Nilai ketebalan kortikal mandibula pada anak dan remaja terinfeksi HIV
Objectives: The aim of this study was to obtain the value of mandibular cortical thickness in HIV-infected children and adolescents based on panoramic radiographs.Material and Methods: This descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out on 43 panoramic radiographs of HIV-infected children and adolescents. The value of mandibular cortical thickness were measured by three indices regarded as mental index (MI), gonial index (GI), and antegonial index (AGI) using a digital calipers directly on the panoramic radiographs which had been taken previously.
Results: Among 43 panoramic radiographs, 18 (41,86%) were boys and 25 (58,14%) were girls. Based on age range, there are 30 samples (69,77%) were categorized as children with age range 5-11 years and 13 samples (30,23%) were categorized as adolescents with age range 12-16 years. The lower value of mandibular cortical thickness based on MI, AGI, and AGI was seen in girls compared to boys. The adolescents have a higher value of mandibular cortical thickness compared with the children.
Conclusion: There are different values of mandibular cortical thickness in HIV-infected children and adolescents based on sex and age.
UNAGIDS DATA 2018. (online) available at Diakses pada tanggal 23 Agustus 2019.
Slogrove AL, Schomaker M, Davies MA, Williams P, Balkan S, Ben-Farhat J, The epidemiology of adolescents living with perinatally acquired HIV: A cross-region global cohort analysis. PLoS Medicine 2018; 15 (3).
Levy JA. HIV pathogenesis: 25 years of progress and persistent challenges. AGIDS 2009; 23:147–160.
Compston J. HIV infection and osteoporosis. Bonekey Rep 2015; 4:636
Borderi M, Gibellini D, Vescini F, De Crignis E, Cimatti L, Biagetti C, Metabolic bone disease in HIV infection. AGIDS 2009, 23 (11): 1297-1310.
Eckard AR, Mora S. Bone health in HIV-infected children and adolescents. Curr Opin HIV AGIDS. 2016; 11(3): 294–300.
Gulsahi A, Paksoy CS, Ozden S, Kucuk NO, Cebeci ARI, Genc Y. Assesment of bone mineral density in the jaws and its relationship to radiomorphometric indices. Dentomaxillofacial Radiol 2010; 39 (5): 284-289.
Yeler DY, Koraltan M, Hocaoglu P, Arslan C, Erselcan T, Yeler H. Bone quality and quantity measurement techniques in dentistry. Cumhuriyet Dental Journal
Colon CJP, Vicenty ILM, Rodriguez MF, GA Alejandra, Rivera BP, Gerardo CV, dkk. Muscle and bone mass loss in the elderly population: advances in diagnosis and treatment. Journal of Biomedicine 2018; 3: 40-49
Nana A, Slater GJ, Stewart AD, Burke LM. Methodology Review: using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) for the assessment of body composition in athletes and actives people. International Journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism 2014.
Dagistan S, Bilge OM. Comparison of antegonial index, mental index, panoramic mandibular index and mandibular cortical index values in the panoramic radiographs of normal males and male patients with osteoprorsis. Dentomaxillofacial Radiol 2010; 39 (5):290-294.
Hardanti S, Azhari, Oscandar F. Description of mandibular bone quality based on measurements of cortical thickness using Mental Index of male and female patients between 40-60 years old. Imaging Sci Dent 2011; 41 (4): 151
Balto KA, Gomaa MM, Feteih RM, AlAmoudi NM, Elsamanoudy AZ, Hassanien MA, M Ardawi MS. Dental panoramic radiographic indices as a predictor of osteoporosis in postmenopausal Saudi Women. J Bone Metab 2018: 25 (3):165-173
Bajoria AA, ML Asha, Kamath G, Babshet M, Patil P, Sukhija P. Evaluation of radiomorphometric indices in Panoramic Radiograph- a screening tool. The open dentistry journal 2015; 9 (Suppl2:M9): 303-310.
Govindraju P, Kumar TSM, Chandra P, Balaji P, Showbhagya MB. ‘Panoramic radiomorphometric indices of mandible: biomarker for Osteoporosis’, in VR Preedy (ed) Biomarkers in Bone Disease, Biomarkers in Disease: Methods, Discoveries and Application. Dordrecht: Springer, pp.1-10.
Giovani EM, Santos CC, Georgevich NR, Noro-Filho GA, Caputo BV. Diagnosis of Bone Changes in Mandibles of Aids Patients Who Had Administered Haart and Developed Lipodistrophic Syndrome. Res J Med Med Sci 2017; 4 (5)
Nayyar AS, Naphade UM, Naphade MV, Qureshi AQ, Siddiqui FI. Osteoporosis: Current State and need for screening- Possible role of oral physicians. Indian Journal of Multidisciplinary Dentistry 2016; 6 (2)
McComsey GA, Tebas P, Shane E, Yin MT, Overton ET, Huang JS, et al. Bone disease in HIV infection: a practical review and recommendations for HIV care providers. Clin Infect Dis 2010; 51 (8): 937-946.
Pal S, Amrutesh S. Evaluation of panoramic radiomorphometric indices in Indian population. Cumhuriyet Dent J 2013; 16 (4): 273-281.
Gomes AS, De Lima EM. Mandibular growth during adolescence. The Angle Orthodontist 2006; 76 (5): 786-790.
Slogrove AL, Schomaker M, Davies MA, Williams P, Balkan S, Ben-Farhat J, The epidemiology of adolescents living with perinatally acquired HIV: A cross-region global cohort analysis. PLoS Medicine 2018; 15 (3).
Levy JA. HIV pathogenesis: 25 years of progress and persistent challenges. AGIDS 2009; 23:147–160.
Compston J. HIV infection and osteoporosis. Bonekey Rep 2015; 4:636
Borderi M, Gibellini D, Vescini F, De Crignis E, Cimatti L, Biagetti C, Metabolic bone disease in HIV infection. AGIDS 2009, 23 (11): 1297-1310.
Eckard AR, Mora S. Bone health in HIV-infected children and adolescents. Curr Opin HIV AGIDS. 2016; 11(3): 294–300.
Gulsahi A, Paksoy CS, Ozden S, Kucuk NO, Cebeci ARI, Genc Y. Assesment of bone mineral density in the jaws and its relationship to radiomorphometric indices. Dentomaxillofacial Radiol 2010; 39 (5): 284-289.
Yeler DY, Koraltan M, Hocaoglu P, Arslan C, Erselcan T, Yeler H. Bone quality and quantity measurement techniques in dentistry. Cumhuriyet Dental Journal
Colon CJP, Vicenty ILM, Rodriguez MF, GA Alejandra, Rivera BP, Gerardo CV, dkk. Muscle and bone mass loss in the elderly population: advances in diagnosis and treatment. Journal of Biomedicine 2018; 3: 40-49
Nana A, Slater GJ, Stewart AD, Burke LM. Methodology Review: using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) for the assessment of body composition in athletes and actives people. International Journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism 2014.
Dagistan S, Bilge OM. Comparison of antegonial index, mental index, panoramic mandibular index and mandibular cortical index values in the panoramic radiographs of normal males and male patients with osteoprorsis. Dentomaxillofacial Radiol 2010; 39 (5):290-294.
Hardanti S, Azhari, Oscandar F. Description of mandibular bone quality based on measurements of cortical thickness using Mental Index of male and female patients between 40-60 years old. Imaging Sci Dent 2011; 41 (4): 151
Balto KA, Gomaa MM, Feteih RM, AlAmoudi NM, Elsamanoudy AZ, Hassanien MA, M Ardawi MS. Dental panoramic radiographic indices as a predictor of osteoporosis in postmenopausal Saudi Women. J Bone Metab 2018: 25 (3):165-173
Bajoria AA, ML Asha, Kamath G, Babshet M, Patil P, Sukhija P. Evaluation of radiomorphometric indices in Panoramic Radiograph- a screening tool. The open dentistry journal 2015; 9 (Suppl2:M9): 303-310.
Govindraju P, Kumar TSM, Chandra P, Balaji P, Showbhagya MB. ‘Panoramic radiomorphometric indices of mandible: biomarker for Osteoporosis’, in VR Preedy (ed) Biomarkers in Bone Disease, Biomarkers in Disease: Methods, Discoveries and Application. Dordrecht: Springer, pp.1-10.
Giovani EM, Santos CC, Georgevich NR, Noro-Filho GA, Caputo BV. Diagnosis of Bone Changes in Mandibles of Aids Patients Who Had Administered Haart and Developed Lipodistrophic Syndrome. Res J Med Med Sci 2017; 4 (5)
Nayyar AS, Naphade UM, Naphade MV, Qureshi AQ, Siddiqui FI. Osteoporosis: Current State and need for screening- Possible role of oral physicians. Indian Journal of Multidisciplinary Dentistry 2016; 6 (2)
McComsey GA, Tebas P, Shane E, Yin MT, Overton ET, Huang JS, et al. Bone disease in HIV infection: a practical review and recommendations for HIV care providers. Clin Infect Dis 2010; 51 (8): 937-946.
Pal S, Amrutesh S. Evaluation of panoramic radiomorphometric indices in Indian population. Cumhuriyet Dent J 2013; 16 (4): 273-281.
Gomes AS, De Lima EM. Mandibular growth during adolescence. The Angle Orthodontist 2006; 76 (5): 786-790.
How to Cite
RAHMAN, Fadhlil Ulum Abdul et al.
Nilai ketebalan kortikal mandibula pada anak dan remaja terinfeksi HIV.
Jurnal Radiologi Dentomaksilofasial Indonesia (JRDI), [S.l.], v. 3, n. 3, p. 1-4, jan. 2020.
ISSN 2686-1321.
Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025.
Original Research Article